Poems Set To Music

The earliest poetry is believed to have been recited or sung. Some people struggle reading poetry but listening to poems put to music helps to relax the mind enabling one to enjoy the experience in a calm and clear mind.

Tom Murray

Tom Murrays poetry works ‘thoughts of a jock’ are recited by himself, and we think the way he does this is something quite special. Tom will be reciting more of his poems and we aim to have Toms Poetry CD available soon.

Ash Stafford

Ash Stafford tells you of his remarkable poetic journey in his Blue Pigment Podcasts follow the link below. It was a pleasure when Ash said the MVCA could add musical sound and recite his amazing latest piece of work.

Matthew Gamble

A Tribute Poem By Matthew Gamble to his brother Daniel 2 Para, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2008. May you R.I.P Daniel. It was an honour to assist Matt with putting this beautiful poem to music, thank you, Matt.

Lisa Cosham

Lisa Cosham wrote this wonderful poem that Steve Scudder readout in the recording studios. Thank you Lisa for allowing us to put it into audio format.

Jim Page

Jim Page wrote, readout and recorded his poem and we think he has done extremely well. Jim recently wrote a lyric for a song MVCA produced.

Trevor Coult

Stand Tall is another fantastic poem that was written by Trevor Coult and read out in the studios by Steve Scudder. We think they have both done great.

The MVCA has so far produced twelve audio poems that have been written by members of the Armed Forces and their family members.

Please follow the link to hear more.

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