David Writes Military Veterans Creative Arts 2021 Remembrance Day Song

David zooms to discuss his new song
I was taught about the Bible and the mess the World was in as a young boy of four years old. So, I thought to myself, how can I sort the World? Bingo, I know I’m going to write a song called Peace on Earth that should sort the World out, then we can all live in Peace. Great, I will do that sorted, no problem.
Aged 17, I was asked to sing in a band by a very good friend of mine, but I said I don’t have the confidence to sing, so I’m going to join the Army to get the confidence to sing in front of people. Aged 18, I signed up to the Light Infantry and joined 3LI after passing out.
At the same time, my friend went to number one in the music charts with Pig Bag. I was in Cyprus and loving it. We were then posted to Tidworth and, from there, posted to Northern Ireland back to Tidworth back to Northern Ireland, Tidworth, USA, Tidworth.

David 3rd Battalion The Light Infantry
Then two years in Northern Ireland in 1986, a bomb went off in front of me, and a friend of mine took the blast. Everything went into slow motion; I ran up to him to get his radio to call for a chopper to get him to Hospital. He was hurt really bad, I cut the radio off him, but it was smashed up. So, I ran and jumped at the nearest house door, kicked it off its hinges, grabbed the phone to get help, and went back to him on the floor. By that time, another guy who was with us on patrol was giving him first aid. There’s a lot more to that story but I won’t go into more detail. It was a HORRENDOUS.
Twelve months and two weeks later, I left the Army; by that time, my friend was in the charts all the time with Soul to Soul.
My wife and I split up two years later; at the time, I didn’t know about PTSD. I had a breakdown and moved to Devon in 1991.

Peace on Earth
I wrote Peace on Earth and worked in a recording studio as a volunteer at Coombeshead Academy, Newton Abbot, where I managed to get the music sorted out with Paul and students. I’ve been promoting it ever since and always will do till my last breath.
In 1993 my PTSD was so bad I put a knife on my wrist so hard and prayed, saying, God Holy Spirit Jesus Christ, I order you to prove to me if it’s worth me living, you have three days to prove it, or I’m going to end my life. Three days went by. I went to bed as soon as I put my head on the pillow with my eyes shut but still wide awake. This sparkling light so bright came up in my vision. It was slowly flickering, moving up and up to pitch black all around it, then up came these dark clouds, blue clouds, and brilliant white clouds, then Jesus came up with these clouds. We were face to face person to person. Very slowly, he went up and up wearing a white gown and a red sash around his neck to just above his ankles and brown sandal’s, surrounded by clouds going up and up; by that time, he looked like he was the size of a planet and then went up and up until he had gone. I got out of bed, turned the light on and thought, WOW, I am here for something WOW, amazed WOW.
David and his gorgeous puppy

After my wife and I split up, I have had lots of partners, but none of them lasted, and a lot of water has gone under the bridge literally as I live on a boat.
Now 2021, Suzie Stanford asked me to write a song for the 11th of November; Suzie is not someone you can say no to as she’s lovely and likes a laugh, as do I. So, I wrote a song called ‘Remember’, made a tune-up, and recorded a very rough recording. And being a plonker at times cooked up the lyrics; when I noticed my mistake, I realised I had already sent it to her, not knowing that I had sent it elsewhere. I had to laugh and still find it funny. Hopefully, I will get it right on the night hahaha God bless us all, Amen
Please check out the final production of this beautiful song called Remember, Remember.
We are offering a free download of the song and video for you to enjoy. Remembrance Day Song
Completed Song and video
Please follow the link below to listen to the completed song which you can download for free.

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